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Our data
Livingcost is a database with information on prices and cost of living in 9294 cities in 197 countries. The data is partly crowdsourced by our users plus aggregated from public sources: rental websites, chain grocery stores, etc. The cost of living is calculated as a consumer basket to maintain a moderate developed-country lifestyle. For some developing countries sustaining such a lifestyle means a higher cost of living compared to locals.
We collect data for cities. Prices shown for countries are population-weighted means of their cities.
In our "Best places to live" ranking we use 13 indicators. 7 indicators are country-specific:
- Human Freedom Index (The Cato Institute)
- Gross Domestic Product per capita (The World Bank)
- GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity (The World Bank)
- Life expectancy (The World Bank)
- Homicide rate (WHO, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
- Mortality caused by road traffic injury (The World Bank)
- Corruption Perceptions Index (
6 indicators are city-specific:
- Average salary (our data)
- Average salary divided by cost of living (our data)
- Cost of living (our data)
- Annual average air quality (
- Distance adjusted airports score (
- Distance adjusted universities score (